Forest Methodist Circuit
Forest Methodist Circuit
About Us
Forest Circuit is in the London District of The Methodist Church. We comprise ten churches with a very diverse demographic within the Circuit.
The Circuit covers a wide area from Loughton, Essex, in the north continuing south to Leytonstone E11 and includes churches in Chingford, Leyton, Leytonstone and Woodford.
The Circuit covers a wide area from Loughton, Essex, in the north continuing south to Leytonstone E11 and includes churches in Chingford, Leyton, Leytonstone and Woodford.
The Superintendent of Forest Methodist Circuit is
Rev Mike Long.
Circuit Mission statement
Forest Circuit exists to further God’s kingdom by enabling and supporting local churches in their discipleship and mission; resourcing local churches under the power of the Holy Spirit to function as effective worship, witness, and welfare centres.